TRAVEL | Sicily, my love
"A viagem pode ser uma das formas mais satisfatórias de introspecção."
Laurence Durrell
No inicio deste mês, foi-me proporcionada uma experiência incrível!!!
Conjuntamente com a família e com amigos holandeses, fomos à descoberta da ilha italiana de Sicília (imaginem só a confusão com as línguas, pois ora se ouvia português, holandês, o inglês era a língua mãe para comunicarmos todos, numa ilha onde reina o italiano...ufa!!)
A ilha é linda! A paisagem intercala entre o verdejante e o seco tipo "Grand Canyon", as cores terrosas rodeiam-nos, o ocre domina os edifícios relembrando-nos as idades antigas que estão presentes em qualquer canto do território. Qualquer lugarejo possui um marco histórico, da época grega ou romana, o que nos leva a imaginar presentes naqueles tempos.
Berço da máfia, na visão do turista ela não está presente a olho nu, a não ser pela quantidade de lixo que se verifica em certas localidades. Ouve-se dizer que a máfia domina a recolha do lixo, dizem que dá dinheiro, e por isso só o fazem quando lhes apetece.
Tirando isso, e o trânsito desregrado e caótico, onde toda a gente conduz como lhe dá na real gana, a ilha é magnifica e faz jus ao verdadeiro "dolce fare niente" italiano.
Nos próximos posts, partilharei convosco as minhas aventuras por lá, durante 8 dias.
Together with family and Dutch friends, we went to the discovery of the Italian island of Sicily (just imagine the confusion with the language, because now was heard Portuguese, Dutch, English was the mother tongue to communicate all on an island where reigns Italian ...Uff!!)
The island is beautiful! The landscape merges between the green and the dry type "Grand Canyon," the earthy colors surrounding us, ocher dominates the buildings reminding us of the old ages that are present in every corner of the territory. Any village has a historic landmark, the Greek or Roman times, which leads us to imagine present in those times.
Cradle of mafia in the tourist view it is not the naked eye, unless the amount of waste that occurs in certain localities. Hear say that the mafia dominates the collection of garbage, they say they give money, so just do as they please.
Apart from that, and the unruly and chaotic traffic where everyone drives like gives you real gana, the island is magnificent and lives up to the true "dolce fare niente" Italian.
In future posts, I will share my adventures there for 8 days.
Earlier this month, an amazing experience I was offered !!!
Together with family and Dutch friends, we went to the discovery of the Italian island of Sicily (just imagine the confusion with the language, because now was heard Portuguese, Dutch, English was the mother tongue to communicate all on an island where reigns Italian ...Uff!!)
The island is beautiful! The landscape merges between the green and the dry type "Grand Canyon," the earthy colors surrounding us, ocher dominates the buildings reminding us of the old ages that are present in every corner of the territory. Any village has a historic landmark, the Greek or Roman times, which leads us to imagine present in those times.
Cradle of mafia in the tourist view it is not the naked eye, unless the amount of waste that occurs in certain localities. Hear say that the mafia dominates the collection of garbage, they say they give money, so just do as they please.
Apart from that, and the unruly and chaotic traffic where everyone drives like gives you real gana, the island is magnificent and lives up to the true "dolce fare niente" Italian.
In future posts, I will share my adventures there for 8 days.
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