TRAVEL | One day in Cefalú
"Podemos viajar por todo o mundo em busca do que é belo, mas se já não o trouxermos connosco, nunca o encontraremos."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Localizada na costa norte da ilha de Sicília, relativamente próxima da capital Palermo, Cefalú é uma cidade primordialmente turística. Recheada de monumentos datados da era romana e afins, desenhada por ruas estreitas onde só aos minis e vespas lhe és permitido passar, emana cultura e beleza rústica.
Dominada pela cor ocre, em cada esquina se avizinha uma surpresa, ora por algum marco histórico, galeria de arte e artesanato, ora por dezenas de esplanadas reduzidas de toalhas aos quadrados vermelhos e brancos, ao estilo da "Dama e o Vagabundo".
A praia do Velho Porto é mediana de tamanho mas enorme em beleza. As águas mediterrâneas translúcidas, calmas e de cor turquesa, clamam por banhos infindáveis e relativamente quentes e salgados neste Mar Tirreno.
Por detrás da sua Catedral Normanda, onde se enaltece o Cristo Pantocrator através de uma pintura bizantina, uma grande montanha surge, La Rocca , onde se situava o Templo romano de Diana, e pela qual parece que vamos ser engolidos pelas suas escarpas.
Acrescentando a toda esta riqueza, e a um dia espectacularmente bem passado, deliciámo-nos com o pôr-do-sol fantástico.
Dominated by ocher color, in every corner is approaching a surprise, now for some landmark, art gallery and craft, sometimes by dozens of small terraces towels to red and white squares, in the style of "Lady and the Tramp."
The beach of Porto Velho is average in size but huge in beauty. The translucent Mediterranean waters, calm, turquoise, calling for endless and relatively warm and salty baths in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Behind its Norman Cathedral, where he extols the Christ Pantocrator through a Byzantine painting, a great mountain emerges, La Rocca, where was the Roman Temple of Diana, and in which it seems that we will be swallowed by its escarpments.
Adding to all this wealth, and a day spectacularly well past deliciámo us with the fantastic setting of the sun.
Located on the north coast of Sicily, relatively close to the capital Palermo, Cefalu is a city primarily tourist. Full of monuments dating from the Roman era and the like, designed for narrow streets where only the minis and wasps are allowed to pass, exudes culture and rugged beauty.
Dominated by ocher color, in every corner is approaching a surprise, now for some landmark, art gallery and craft, sometimes by dozens of small terraces towels to red and white squares, in the style of "Lady and the Tramp."
The beach of Porto Velho is average in size but huge in beauty. The translucent Mediterranean waters, calm, turquoise, calling for endless and relatively warm and salty baths in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Behind its Norman Cathedral, where he extols the Christ Pantocrator through a Byzantine painting, a great mountain emerges, La Rocca, where was the Roman Temple of Diana, and in which it seems that we will be swallowed by its escarpments.
Adding to all this wealth, and a day spectacularly well past deliciámo us with the fantastic setting of the sun.
Dominated by ocher color, in every corner is approaching a surprise, now for some landmark, art gallery and craft, sometimes by dozens of small terraces towels to red and white squares, in the style of "Lady and the Tramp."
The beach of Porto Velho is average in size but huge in beauty. The translucent Mediterranean waters, calm, turquoise, calling for endless and relatively warm and salty baths in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Behind its Norman Cathedral, where he extols the Christ Pantocrator through a Byzantine painting, a great mountain emerges, La Rocca, where was the Roman Temple of Diana, and in which it seems that we will be swallowed by its escarpments.
Adding to all this wealth, and a day spectacularly well past deliciámo us with the fantastic setting of the sun.
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