Amo de paixão calçado e acessórios com aplicações metálicas, penso que facilmente nos incutem no look um ar sóbrio, elegante e criativo. São daquelas peças com as quais não precisamos de investir muito no look, porque mesmo no outfit mais simples sobressaem e marcam a diferença.
Apanhei estas nos saldos da MO, e por 15€ as trouxe comigo!! São muito confortáveis, e o pequeno salto que têm é fundamental para um bom caminhar.
Que tal, gostam??
I love the passion footwear and accessories with metal applications, I think easily instill in us look a sober air, elegant and creative. Are those parts which do not need to invest a lot in look, because even the simplest outfit stand out and make a difference.
I picked these in the balance of MO, and € 15 brought them with me !! They are very comfortable, and the small jump that is critical to have a good walk.
How about, like ??
I picked these in the balance of MO, and € 15 brought them with me !! They are very comfortable, and the small jump that is critical to have a good walk.
How about, like ??

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