Dois Dias por Londres

Quinta - feira passada à noitinha, aterrámos na cidade inglesa, para passar dois fantásticos dias por lá!!!
Sexta-feira, foi o dia de conhecer e passar pelos locais mais conhecidos e emblemáticos da cidade: Tower Bridge, Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, The City, Picadilly,  Westminster, Buckingham, London Eye, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square e The Narrow, o pub e restaurante do famoso cozinheiro Gordon Ramsay. Ora de metro, ora de bus, ora a pé, muitos quilómetros foram percorridos!!!
O dia seguinte, foi dedicado às novidades, a ver o que realmente acontece todos os dias por entre milhares de pessoas. Descobrimos uns peixinhos fabulosos em Chinatown, vimos (de fora he he) os takes do novo filme How you see me 2, a estrear no próximo ano, observámos atentamente o relógio de 24 horas de Greenwich, experimentámos comida italiana, japonesa e turca num famoso mercado de rua, fomos saborear uma tábua mista ao restaurante português Canela, fomos ver Picadilly à noite, e finalizamos em Camden a degustar comida portuguesa entre portugueses.
Foi óptimo, e de tão rápido ficou uma enorme vontade de lá voltar e continuar as maravilhosas descobertas.

Last Thursday in the evening, we landed in the English city, to spend two fantastic days there !!!
Friday was the day to meet and spend the best known and most emblematic places of the city: Tower Bridge, Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, The City, Piccadilly, Westminster, Buckingham, London Eye, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and the Narrow, the pub and the famous chef Gordon Ramsay restaurant. Sometimes in underground, sometimes bus, sometimes on foot, many miles were traveled !!!
The next day was devoted to news, to see what actually happens every day among thousands of people. We found a fabulous fish in Chinatown, we saw (out he he) takes the new movie How you see me 2 to debut next year, we observed carefully the clock 24 hours of Greenwich, experienced Italian, Japanese and Turkish food in a famous street market, we were enjoying a mixed board the Portuguese restaurant Canela, we see Picadilly night, ending up in Camden to taste Portuguese food between Portuguese.
It was great, and so fast was an urge to go back and continue the wonderful discoveries.

The Narrow, Gordon Ramsay

"How you see mee 2", Greenwich


Covent Garden

Canela Restaurant

Picadilly Circus


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